TV Is Drugs

Anne Kingston: “Think of it. A bratty rich girl best known for her contribution to Internet porn is of more interest to the North American public than the leader of the free world sharing his vision in these dangerous times. ¶ Perhaps we should question whether one of the dangers facing that free world resides within the paunchy body politic itself, couch-potato comatose as it appears to be. But we don't.”

Kingston goes on to detail the problem with TV, that it reduces important political issues to soundbites and visuals, where being entertained is more important both for the networks and the viewer than being informed. It has to be a little strange for The National Post to print an anti-television editorial, seeing as how the company that owns the newspaper also owns Global TV nationwide.

There's a bumper sticker on a car near my apartment complex that says "TV is drugs", and I've been more inclined to agree with that slogan. Watching the flashing lights of TV makes me feel stupider, and goodness knows I don't need to be any stupider than I already am.