Jak and Jeff understand why Hunter S. Thompson killed himself last week, and come close to condoning the suicide. (Let me emphasize the "come close" part of that sentence, for I don't actually believe they condone it.) I've read none of Thompson's works, but I understand his importance, and if Jak is going to re-read his works this summer, then I should at least read one. I'll go with the obvious choice, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas then maybe work my way through some of his essays, the obvious essay choice being "The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved". What other essays are Thompson classics?


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is not what you should start with. Start with "The Great Shark Hunt," a collection of his Rolling Stone essays, or read "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72" for an excellent, excellent retrospective of American politics.

I'm trying (and so far failing) to tune out American politics, historical and present, so I'll probably pass on the last one you recommend. That said, I will seek out The Great Shark Hunt as well as Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.